The RCS Chromebook initiative was implemented in 2018-19 to provide a wide range of resources for both students and parents. Explore the information provided here to familiarize yourself with this exciting initiative. We will update frequently as we learn lessons and adjust to this technology, so please visit often!
We have prepared Frequently Asked Questions to offer a ton of interesting information about our program and specifics about how it works. We update the FAQs page regularly based on feedback and questions we collect from parents and visitors, so check back to see what’s new.
Our policies provide information on the use and management of Chromebooks along with required forms. See Below for Both!
These are our GOALS for the Chromebooks program and what we expect to achieve.
HAVE A COMMENT or SUGGESTION? Click here to let us know. We welcome your feedback!
To view and download a copy of the Required FORM for the RCS Chromebook Protection Plan, click here.
Chromebooks are issued at no cost to students. Each student is responsible and accountable for his/her Chromebook. It should not be shared with or accessed by other students.
The Chromebook Protection Plan is an insurance policy against accidental damage of your Chromebook at school or at home. The RCS Chromebook Protection Plan is highly affordable and strongly recommended. The cost is $10 per school year per student. The Chromebook Protection Plan may be paid for in cash or by making a check payable to Resurrection Catholic School. Please remit payment with this form.
Repair Cost Schedule with Chromebook Protection Plan
Please note:
This policy is intended to provide students and parents with the parameters for acceptable and legal use of Chromebooks issued by RCS. Students using RCS-issued Chromebooks must use them in accordance with these established guidelines for the purpose of learning. The school will monitor Chromebook activities that take place both at school and at home using a variety of tools.
Christian morality obligates each person to use all things in ways that are good and meaningful for human development. With right of access comes the responsibility to use the source both correctly and wisely. RCS students and staff are expected to exercise wise judgment, common sense and good taste in selecting sites and content from the internet. RCS will use software tools to strictly monitor all web activity for inappropriate use. Staff will also assist in monitoring internet usage at school. Away from school it is ultimately the responsibility of each student and parent/guardian to monitor the appropriate use of the internet.
RCS respects the privacy of every student with respect to stored files and Gmail accounts. However, the school administration maintains the right to search these files in order to investigate suspected inappropriate behavior.
Any student who violates the acceptable use policy will be referred to the administration. Consequences for inappropriate use may include detention, suspension and/or loss of Chromebook privileges. RCS reserves the right to alter or amend this policy at any time.
RCS requires that all students abide by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Diocese of Harrisburg Technology Guidelines, the RCS Student Handbook, and all applicable state and local laws pertaining to stalking, harassment and bullying.
Device Guidelines
Acceptable use of the Internet
Specifically Prohibited actions
Resurrection Catholic School reserves the right to update and revise policies as needed.
Resurrection Catholic School does not collect or sell any student data on the issued devices.